This is the very first release of the Nexus Package Manager. This MVP (Minimal Viable Product), which contains only a bare minimum of features. These include a basic UI, the retrieval of package data from a remote location as well as installation, update and removal of packages. All of this functionality is also provided by the Nexus UI, with the exception of a package listing. So right now it can be used as a way to discover new packages.
Future plans include the tracking and installation of dependencies, version handling and notification of new updates for installed packages.
The success of this project is strongly linked with how extensive the list of available packages is. So, if you know of a package or have authored one yourself, please head over to and either add the package via pull request or open an issue so I can add it.
v0.1.1 Infrastructure fix
This version bump was only for infrastructure fixes. The package was not modified.
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