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The queue manager has an API that is split in 2 parts: one for client side usage and one for tracking of game-queue events.

Client Side Usage


Return Value

(QueuedItem | UnsyncedItem)[] - The current queue


Returns the current queue. Each item contains the keys command, properties with the individual balance settings, whether the command will be repeated and if it consumes balance (Note: all actions queued externally are assumed to consume balance).

If an action is only in the local queue, but not in the in-game queue yet, it will also have the key queueing (sent to the game, but not confirmed yet), while items in the in-game queue have the key locallyControlled to mark whether the queue manager added the command or not.



do(command, itemProperties, consumesBalance, [repeat])


command: string - The command to run

itemProperties: object - The balance requirements of the command. Each key denotes whether the balance must be available (true) or must be off-balance (false). Non-existing keys don't play a role:

  • haveBalance: physical balance
  • haveEq: equilibrium
  • haveClassBalance: class specific balance
  • haveShipBalance: ship command balance
  • haveParalysis: whether the paralysis affliction must be on the character
  • beBound: whether the character must be bound (writhe type afflicitions)
  • beStanding: whether the character must be upright (standing)
  • beStunned: whether the character must be stunned

consumesBalance: boolean - Whether the command consumes the given balances. This helps the script to decide, whether it can queue multiple things at once.

repeat: boolean, optional - Whether the command should be requeued after it ran. NOTE This can potentially spam the game if commands that don't consume balances are requeued. Default is false.


Queues a given command. The command will take care of allowed queue lengths, queueing only 1 command that consumes balance at a time and requeueing if needed.

It will also translate the readable queue properties into in-game balance requirements.

Commands are queued as-is and not translated or put into aliases.

Examples'sit', {
  haveBalance: true,
  haveEq: true,
  beStanding: true
}, false)'kill dummy', {
  haveBalance: true,
  haveEq: true,
  beStanding: true,
  beBound: false,
  beStunned: false,
  haveParalysis: false
}, true);'kill', {
  haveBalance: true,
  haveEq: true,
  beStanding: true,
  beBound: false,
  beStunned: false,
  haveParalysis: false
}, true, true);



command: string - The command to remove from the queue.

Return Value

boolean - Whether a command to remove was found.


Removes a locally controlled command from the queue. These can be still in the local queue or already in the in-game queue. Repeating queued commands are also removed and not requeued.

Externally controlled commands are not touched.

Examples'sit', {
  haveBalance: true,
  haveEq: true,
  beStanding: true
}, false)


Server Side Tracking

Due to not being intended for common use, these are documented in a short form.

  • track: (command: string, queue: string) => void - Track addition of commands to the in-game queue.
  • clear: (queue: string) => void - Track clearing of the queue. The special queue all clears it completely.
  • trackFirst: (command: string, queue: string) => void - Track queueing actions as first element.
  • trackAt: (position: number, command: string, queue: string) => void - Track queueing actions at a given position.
  • trackReplace: (position: number, command: string, queue: string) => void - Track queueing actions replacing a given position.
  • trackRemove: (position: number) => void - Track removing actions from the queue.
  • run: (command: string, queue: string) => void - Track running a given command.
  • blocked: () => void - Track an action getting blocked due to queue being full.